10 astuces pour réussir un puzzle de 500 pièces

10 tips for making a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle

Puzzles are a popular and beneficial activity for people of all ages. Assembling a puzzle is a leisure activity that stimulates the brain, improves concentration and reduces stress. However, completing a 500 piece puzzle can be a challenge. Here are 10 tips to help you succeed in your puzzle.

1. Choose an appropriate workspace

When assembling a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle, it's important to choose a workspace large enough for you to spread out all the pieces. If you have a large board, this is ideal for putting together a puzzle. The 500-piece Maison Joliette puzzles measure 32 x 46 cm when completed.

2. Prepare the necessary tools

Normally, the assembly of a puzzle does not require any utensils. However, a few things can make your job a lot easier. First of all, small boxes or bowls to properly sort the pieces by color or pattern, one or more trays to spread out the pieces and have an overview during assembly.

3. Sort the coins

Sorting the pieces is crucial to putting your puzzle together efficiently. You can sort the pieces by color, by shape or by the distinct parts of the puzzle. This will allow you to quickly find the parts you are looking for.

4. Start with the edges

Edge-mounting is a common trick for assembling a puzzle. This will give you a clear structure for the rest of the puzzle. Find all the edge pieces and start assembling them.

5. Work on separate parts

Assemble the separate parts of the puzzle first to avoid getting lost in the details. You can put the pieces of each area together and then combine them once you're done. For example, for the Multitude puzzle, start by sorting and assembling each of the colors one after the other. For the Flowering puzzle, start with the pink flowers, then the yellow ones, and finally the foliage.

6. Take regular breaks

Assembling a 500 piece puzzle can be tiring for the eyes and the brain. Take regular breaks to rest and refresh. This will help you stay focused and productive .

7. Organize your time

Plan the time needed to complete your puzzle. This will help you manage your time and not get discouraged. You can divide the editing time into one or two hour sessions, depending on your availability. Puzzles of 500 pieces generally require 3 to 5 hours of assembly, depending on their difficulty.

8. Work in groups

Putting together a puzzle as a group can be a fun and challenging experience. You can work as a team to quickly find parts and solve problems. It can also be a way to have a good time with friends or family.

9. Flip the coins

Sometimes, we doubt the location of a part and we can spend several minutes in reaching the solution. A trick to tell if two pieces fit together is to turn them over . Without the drawing or the pattern of the puzzle, it is sometimes easier to check the interlocking of the pieces.

10. Use the template

Finally, for a total success of your 500-piece puzzle, what better than to rely on the model . If in doubt about a part, the model will show you the exact location of the part you have in your hands. The Maison Joliette puzzles all have a pretty pattern card. It can even be used as a decoration when the puzzle is finished!

Assembling a puzzle can be a challenge, but with these 10 tricks you can make the process easier and more efficient. Make sure you have a proper workspace, the right tools, and sort the parts before you start. Then start at the edges, work on separate parts and take regular breaks. Plan your time and work in a group if you can. Finally, deal with problems with clever techniques and quickly find the missing pieces.

Assembling a puzzle is a fun activity that can also stimulate your brain and help you relax. Using these tricks, you'll put your 500 piece puzzle together easily and be proud to say "yes, I did it!!". So on the way to the assembly and above all... have fun!

Ready to try the puzzle experience? Do not hesitate to order our puzzles online! Multitude, Flowering... Maison Joliette is a new puzzle every month. You will be spoiled for choice !

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